High Vibes Series!

You're Pure

Originally prepared to get you through the holidays (so there may be some such references in the videos) this series is so applicable to every day.  Balance is key to ensuring a smooth ride, especially when you're building momentum for the best year ever!
Chill Out, Amp Up, Wind Down, Go All In - whatever direction you need to take to feel your best - aligned, balanced and vibrant, you'll find it here!

Here's to your continued well being.

Michael has been featured in:

Endless Possibilities Are Within You.  This program connects you to them!

The Most Amazing U Yet!

  What would exquisite alignment, unshakeable equanimity, and unlimited joyful energy feel like as you navigate the holidays?  Pervasive smiles, peace, hugs, laughter and deep meaningful, life affirming breaths...better than holiday cookies!  

What actions would you like to take to be your best self during the holidays for yourself and for others?  That's what this  program is about.  Daily aligning, energy cultivating, stress releasing practices to keep you humming along and giving the best holiday hugs of the season.

                            I AM....                                  

A chilled out, breath-focused practice to set your trajectory and ground you in self-appreciation.

Watch Time 38.03 min.   

Week 1 - Entering The Stream

Aligned and Harmonious  Watch Time 21.34 min.

Mindful In This Moment      11:16 Min. Watch Time

    Moving In Integrity   6:04 Min. Watch Time

Resilient and Relaxed  15:43 Min. Watch Time

        Transforming Life Events             20:00 Min. Watch Time

 So Hip, It Hurts...in a good way : )    A Cool Flow For Hip Comfort!      24:19 Min. Watch Time

Interested in setting up a consult or session with Michael.  Call our office: 610.438.1765

Week 2 - Lifting The Veil

Check In and Musings 7:43 Min. Watch Time

              Ashtanga Based Flow               18:14 Min. Watch Time

      Ashtanga Based Flow 2      26:03 Min. Watch Time

             Life Dancing               2:54 Min. Watch Time

  And The Universe Laughs - After a the Mindful Deep Breathing - This video curiously goes silent... Still, Explore Deep Squats - and Rajakapotasna (Pigeon) Targeted Mobility Postures with Deep Breathing to release the hips.   Be Kind to yourself and spread your high holiday vibe!

Watch Time:   24: 00      

    Half Way High Vibe      14:29 Min. Watch Time


Week 3 - Refining The Human Experience

Hey Everyone!  A few of the videos below are some other program content different from the modules above.  They're Quick Hits to get you there faster....   Keep it safe, comfortable, and loving and the destination is yours.    

Trager® Mentastics for Emotional Resilience

20.41 Min. Watch Time

Mindful Communication. 

Based on Marshall Rosenberg's work in Non-Violent communication, these ideas will deepen your connections.

          6:57   Min. Watch Time           


Hip Flexor Releases Using a Yoga Wheel and More!

        9:23   Min. Watch Time           


My personal favorite!  Open the hips after sitting long hours playing drums - The Perfect getaway from the chair and short hip flexors and psoas...

        8:36  Min. Watch Time           


Moving Into Stillness - time to reflect, feel, ask... and listen...expecting insights from deep within...

      23:50  Min. Watch Time           


Targeted Mobility for Hips, Core Stability and Arms...

      20:00  Min. Watch Time           



Next Module...

21 Day Targeted Mobility and Yoga Challenge

Mindful Breathing & Microbreaks for Relaxation

Trager® Mentastics® for Whole Body Health

 Yoga Plus! See Also the High Vibe Section for Yoga!

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