Yoga Plus!  Breakdown, Sequences, and More

This page is under construction - Still plenty to explore here.  Videos being added regularly.

Yoga builds strength & aerobic capacity, increases flexibility & joint mobility, and create lasting vitality and a deep senses of peace.   Additional flows for all levels will  be added along the way

Here's to your continued well being.


Michael has been featured in:

Endless Possibilities Are Within You.  This program connects you to them!

The most powerful and transformative change agent is within you!
Let's get started!

The Internal Practice

The breath IS the practice! Not only is it your most important prop but its also the gateway to the unconscious mind. 

Here you'll learn the game changing restorative dynamics of the internal practice!

Learn the components of yoga's internal healing benefits and how to activate them during your practice.

Watch Time 6:26 Min.

Anatomical Considerations

The body is the ultimate classroom. Here we'll deep dive into relevant functional anatomy - necks, shoulders, the back, hips, knees, ankles and wrists - and how to practice safely!

 This session helps you practicing confidently and ensures the best experience ever-the joy of having a human body. 

Watch time 13:56 Min.

Basic Asana Deconstructions:

These are previously recorded, detailed clips from another program prepared for drummers.   Explanations of the actions of the postures are included.

Deconstruction of Sun  Salutations  Watch Time: 25: 07 min.

Deconstruction of Standing Sequence Watch Time: 28:07 min.

Deconstruction of Seated Sequence Watch Time: 23:34 min.

Deconstruction of Finishing Sequence.  Watch Time: 12:53 min.

Yoga Practices

Guided Sun Salutations 7:39 min.

Interested in setting up a consult or session with Michael.  Call our office: 610.438.1765

Next Module...

21 Day Targeted Mobility and Yoga Challenge

Mindful Breathing & Micro breaks for Relaxation

Trager® Mentastics® for Whole Body Health

Happy Holiday High Vibe

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