Michael Lear - Certified Trager® Instructor  &  Practitioner,  E-RYT 500, YACEP

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1-Day - Introduction to The Trager® Approach:
Restoring Poly Vagal Harmony and Core Muscular Integration Using The Essential Principles of Trager®

Philadelphia School of Massage and Bodywork
Saturday, March 1st 9AM-6PM
263 N Lawrence St, Philadelphia, PA 19106, PA

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Are you ready for...

A transformational and focused day of experiential learning that will change the way you do bodywork and introduce you to the Trager® Approach while effectively down-regulating the vagal system
Learning the essentials principles of Trager® at the heart of its efficacy.  Working with more ease and comfort, prevent pain and injury for decades to come.
Discovering Mentastics® Self-Care Movement Exercises & Trager® Tablework Bodymechanics
Creating and utilizing touch and movement as a language to dialogue with the nervous system and Poly-vagal system 
Learning Approaches to teaching Mentastics® - Providing Clients With Solutions
You'll also receive a 20-Page Reference Guide, plus Poly Vagal Class summary
8 NCBTMB Continuing Education Credits

" I really enjoyed your class and grateful to have learned more about Trager®.  Your teaching style, humility, and energy were all so wonderful.

Emily D . LMT

" Michael Lear's attentiveness is palpable, his touch is skillful and effective. As a career body-worker, educator, and hands-on psychotherapist, I rate him in the highest category of practitioners that I have met and worked with in my 40 years of professional practice. Five Stars plus! " 

Ed G.
"Your brilliance, fun, & knowledgeable expertise was a breath of fresh air.  I could've learned from you for hours.    Thank you."      
Debra S. LMT

Trager® Essential Principles and Clinical Applications Course Description: 

Since it’s inception, Dr. Milton Trager’s work in psycho-physical integration, has incorporated components of Mindfulness, Trauma-informed practices, Non-Violent Communication, a deep understanding of Neuroplasticity, Epigenetics, Heart-Brain Coherence and even quantum physic’s Observer Effect outcomes. Recent findings in modern science highlight how his work has always intersected these emergent concepts in mind-body integration and explain why there is such lasting neuro-muscular change as a result of it. 

Explore the essential principles of Dr. Milton Trager’s Psychophysical Integration and their applications to some of the most common clinical, musculoskeletal pathologies. Through this unique self-care approach founded on a mindful presence and specific body mechanics, you’ll learn to transform touch into a language to dialogue with the nervous system to facilitate lasting neuro-muscular change. And you’ll feel great doing it! This system of dynamic mindful movement, Dr. Trager termed Mentastics® forms the basis for your self- care at the table, the foundation of the hands-on table work and informs the very exercises you can teach to your clients to elicit similar muscular responses on their own.  Applications of Dr. Trager’s work to address Trauma (PTSD) related conditions, sciatica, low back and neck pain, fibromyalgia and conditions like frozen shoulder, upper cross syndrome (text neck) or anterior scalene syndrome will be discussed. 

In this workshop will explore:  

Learn potent, proven methods for dissolving some of the deepest deletory effects of held trauma, those impacting the vagus nerve system.

Proper balance of vagus nerve response is essential for optimum health and well-being. The longest nerve in the human body, the vagus originates in the brain stem and extends into the chest and abdomen. Carrying both motor and sensory information, it supplies innervation to the heart, major blood vessels, airways, lungs, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

In addition, the vagus nerve stimulates the secretion of acetylcholine within the central nervous system. Acetylcholine plays a role in motivation, arousal, attention, learning, memory-including muscle memory, and REM sleep. Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter as well as a neuromodulator, also aids in reducing inflammation in all organs. It modulates the release of other neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, impacting the mood and the energy level.

In this workshop, you’ll learn to balance the vasovagal response by accessing the central nervous system from the vagus nerve branches above and below. We’ll treat the proximal branches of the vagus nerve gently at the cervical level. Then we’ll move to respiratory and diaphragmatic levels throughs he thoracic spine and ribs before moving to the pelvis, accessing deep structures of the pelvic bowl including the, psoas, and small intestines.

Through a combination of compassionate, mindful attention and oscillatory mobilizations (Trager® Approach), deep holds, and positional release, we’ll bring clients to a rare point of systemic release and relaxation. Clients receiving this protocol have reported profound results from these procedures.

Michael Lear works with veterans and others managing effects of trauma and has been published on the subject. A Trager® Instructor, Michael has been practicing Trager® and other forms of bodywork for almost forty years. A dedicated Mindfulness Adherent (S.N. Goenka, Vipassana) and Ashtanga Yoga Instructor, Michael’s lifelong commitment is to assist folks to be happy in their bodies and connected to those around them.

When you finish this course, you will be able to: 

Work with Trager® principle awareness with specific applications on the cervical spine, thoracic spine, Rib cage diaphragm, abdomen, as well as psoas and hip rotator releases, perform self-care exercises to relieve, neck, shoulder, low back and hip pain within your own body and to avoid your own pain and burnout utilizing body mechanics at the table.

Perform this specialized table work protocol utilizing new body mechanics based on these principles.

Who is this class for:

Licensed Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Nurses, Somatic Practitioners and those just starting out who wish to leverage their skill to work more efficaciously while maintaining a high degree of personal comfort to ensure their career longevity. 

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