Michael Lear - Certified Trager® Instructor  &  Practitioner,  E-RYT 500, YACEP

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Trager® Level 1 Professional Training
March 28-30 and April 11-13 2025
Easton, PA 18042

* Includes two years of student membership dues

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Are you ready for...

Six transformational days of experiential learning that will change the way you do bodywork and approach to life in general!
Learning the essentials principles of Trager® at the heart of its efficacy.  Working with more ease and comfort, prevent pain and injury for decades to come.
Discover Mentastics® Self-Care Movement Exercises & Trager® Tablework Body Mechanics
Learn the Level 1 Session Protocol and how to create and utilize touch and movement as a language to dialogue with the nervous system to facilitate neuro-muscular response.
Learning To Teach Mentastics® - Providing Clients With Solutions to common skeletal-muscular conditions.
You'll also receive a comprehensive manual and 2 years of United States Trager® Association Membership with access to student resources. 
48 NCBTMB Continuing Education Credits awarded by the United States Trager® Association
(1) 45min. Bonus Zoom Call with Michael

" I really enjoyed your class and grateful to have learned more about Trager®.  Your teaching style, humility, and energy were all so wonderful.

Emily D . LMT

" Michael Lear's attentiveness is palpable, his touch is skillful and effective. As a career body-worker, educator, and hands-on psychotherapist, I rate him in the highest category of practitioners that I have met and worked with in my 40 years of professional practice. Five Stars plus! " 

Ed G.
"Your brilliance, fun, & knowledgeable expertise was a breath of fresh air.  I could've learned from you for hours.    Thank you."      
Debra S. LMT

Trager® Level 1 Professional Training Course Description: 

Since it’s inception, Dr. Milton Trager’s work in psycho-physical integration, has incorporated components of Mindfulness, Trauma-informed practices, Non-Violent Communication, a deep understanding of Neuroplasticity, Epigenetics, Heart-Brain Coherence and even quantum physic’s Observer Effect outcomes. Recent findings in modern science highlight how his work has always intersected these emergent concepts in mind-body integration and explain why there is such lasting neuro-muscular change as a result of it. 

Explore the essential principles of Dr. Milton Trager’s Psychophysical Integration and their applications to some of the most common clinical, musculoskeletal pathologies. Through this unique self-care approach founded on a mindful presence and specific body mechanics, you’ll learn to transform touch into a language to dialogue with the nervous system to facilitate lasting neuro-muscular change. And you’ll feel great doing it! This system of dynamic mindful movement, Dr. Trager termed Mentastics® forms the basis for your self- care at the table, the foundation of the hands-on table work and informs the very exercises you can teach to your clients to elicit similar muscular responses on their own.  Applications of Dr. Trager’s work to address Trauma (PTSD) related conditions, sciatica, low back and neck pain, fibromyalgia and conditions like frozen shoulder, upper cross syndrome (text neck) or anterior scalene syndrome will be discussed. 

In this workshop will   

Mentastics® Self-care Mindfulness Movement Exercises
Develop New Body Mechanics Strategies that support your comfort at the table
 and which are easily integrated into a busy day
Develop new hand techniques to impart a feeling state and speak more directly to the clients nervous system
Learn the Level 1 session protocol (supine and prone) that forms the basis of this work, plus an introduction to Side Lying and Reflex Response
Learn How to Teach Mentastics® to Your Clients 
so they too can feel ease and peace in their busy day.

When you finish this course, you will be able to: 

Perform self-care exercises to relieve, neck, shoulder, low back and hip pain within your own body and to avoid your own pain and burnout utilizing body mechanics at the table.  Learn how to guide clients in their own self care.

Perform a table work protocol utilizing new body mechanics based on these principles.

Describe and apply specific skills (Essential Trager® Principles) required to effectively work with the nervous system as it presents in trauma, sciatica, frozen shoulder and other musculoskeletal conditions to facilitate the release of unconscious holding patterns.

Describe what weight tells us about muscular tension or holding and how to utilize this to facilitate release of compensatory muscle holding patterns

Understand how to use traction to create action at a distance to effect change in areas of resistance.

Learn how to communicate to the nervous system to increase efficacy while maintaining your comfort session to session. 

Who is this class for:

Burned out Licensed Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Nurses, Somatic Practitioners and those just starting out who wish to leverage their skill to work more efficaciously while maintaining a high degree of personal comfort to ensure their career longevity. 

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