Mindful Breathing for Stress and Anxiety Management

Micro breaks during the day to breathe, move, and release tension help the body manage its stress. 

Practicing regularly ensures success when managing life's challenges
and triggers show up.

Here's to your continued well being.

Michael has been featured in:

Endless Possibilities Are Within You.  This program connects you to them!

The most powerful and transformative change agent is within you!
Let's get started!

Click any video to view and practice.

Mindful Breathing Practices & Body Scan For Stress & Anxiety Management

Stress and anxiety are now more pervasive than ever.  This is further evidenced by a 70% increase in teeth grinding, our unconscious minds way of processing our deeper thoughts and concerns. 

These videos will help you develop practices to calm the mind, release stored tension, and help you maintain your sense ease, peace, and overall well-being.

An Introduction to various Mindful Breathing Exercises.  Full, individual guided practices are below.   15:10 Min. watch time.

    Sitting Comfortably      1:15 Min. Watch Time

Pendulum Swing Breath 6:35 Min. Watch Time

    3:6  Ratio Breathing        6:04 Min. Watch Time

Alternate Nostril Breathing 7:07 Min. Watch Time

   The Internal Practice     6:26 Min. Watch Time

   Relaxing Body Scan     18:20 Min. Watch Time

Interested in setting up a consult or session with Michael.  Call our office: 610.438.1765

Micro Breaks!

Watch Time: 3:45

"By the inch it's a sinch. By the yard it's hard."  Words of wisdom I stumbled upon one day decades ago.  This make a whole lot of sense.  Applied to self-care and movement patterns at work, it makes a whole lot of comfort!  Imagine getting 40 minutes of self-care during an 8-hour day!  In context care that prevents cumulative stress and tension that is harder to unpack at the end of a long day.

To check in each hour with one's body's needs - how we're feeling, moving, breathing, do we need water, etc.  can make a huge difference in the quality of one's work day and more importantly, where we land at the end of the day.   Here are few options to get you started.  More will be added but feel free to explore your own.  Ask: "What does my body need in these next five minutes to feel much better, more balanced, integrated, more comfortable, more alive and vibrant?"  Listen. And then go with your intuition.  

Watch Time: 6:51

Watch Time: 5:53

Watch Time: 5:03

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