Renu'd Inspiration

 Increased Comfort, Focus, Vitality,

Get Clarity, Get Out of the Comfort Zone, Take Massive Action, Build Momentum, and best of all -
"Create a Nu U from the Inside Out."

Michael has been featured in:

ReNu'd Zoom Coaching Modules:

Below are the videos from the opening coaching sessions that got you here!  The worksheets are available below each video - repeat the process as many times as you need to get clarity and build momentum.  Each weekly session will be added to this section as we move toward 2023.  Get ready to enter the new year with momentum!

Clarity Session

Who do you wish to become?  What are their habits? Reverse engineer your new habits from this new identity so your road map is clear! 

Success Mindset

Now you know where you wish to go - who you wish to become.  Why is this important to you? Know your why - 7 Levels Deep!

Creating New Habits

Understanding how habits are formed.  Build better ones.  Identifying what might get in your way and make an unshakeable commitment to transformation!

Welcome to Renu'd Inspiration

Building unstoppable momentum to a Nu U in 21 days! 

This special series is designed to help you develop and establish new habits and a clear vision towards your ideal future self.  Leveraging an internal culture of progress, targeted mobility training, Trager® Movement Exercises, Mindful Breathing, and Yoga this progressive program will increase your overall sense of well-being, empowerment, and connection to true potential on your way to self mastery.

You've got this!

Today! - 7

AM Sessions

New Daily Start Habit:

What Change Are You Starting With Today - What Uncomfortable Action Will It Be - Cold Shower, Lemon Water, A Juice, Earlier Rise To Change it up?

10-15 min.

Priming: Mindset

Deep Breathing and Envisioning Your Day Yielding Positive  Results, Seeing and Feeling Your Success, Trusting Your  Vision For the Day

10 Min.

Breath and Movement

Day 1 - Deep Squats and Lunges Addressing deep pelvic  hamstring attachments: Low  Back Comfort and Mobility is the focus today!

20-30 min

Day 1 - Micro Break 1

10AM - Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Clean the Slate Create Energy for the Next Hour

5-6 min.

Day 1 - Micro Break 2

11AM - Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Clean the Slate Create Energy for the Next Hour

5-6 min.

Hey! How was lunch?!   : )

PM Sessions

Day 1 - Micro Break 3

12PM - Prepare for Lunch - Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Create Energy to Nourish, Digest, and Rest

Day 1 - Micro Break 4

2PM - Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Clean the Slate Create Energy for the Next Hour

5-6 min.

Day 1 - Micro Break 5

3PM- Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Clean the Slate Create Energy for the Next Hour

5-6 min.

Day 1 - Micro Break 6

4PM Breath, Move, Mindfully Assess, Clean the Slate Create Energy for the Next Hour

5-6 min.

Day 1- Daily Wind Down

 Clean the Slate Create Energy    for Relaxing for Family Time, Dinner and Prepping for the     next Best Day Ever.

15-30 min.

Tomorrow Even More Amazing!

Or Select a Favorite Renu Module...

21-Day Yoga and Targeted Mobility Challenge

Mindful Breathing & Micro breaks for Relaxation

Trager® Mentastics® for Whole Body Health

Yoga Plus

High Vibe Series!

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